Tuesday, February 25, 2014


At thirteen months, Ava can:

...blow you a kiss and exclaim, "BOOP!"

...spray her baby food all over me in a continuous succession of raspberries (PFFT!  PFFT! PFFT!)...and understand by Mommy's reaction that she's NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT.

....holler her new favorite word at choice moments, say, in the que at Walmart or during therapy: "POOP!"

...place block, balls, or rings in, out, and off of anything she's playing with.

...pet Honey Boo Boo Dog without tearing Honey's ears or lips off.

...appreciate vegetables as much as (and maybe more than) fruits.  (This makes Mommy SUPER happy.)

...play a made-up note-by-note melody on her toy piano.  I call this her One-Note Sally act.

...carry on a babbley conversation with Daddy when she greets him at the end of his workday.

...roll anywhere she wants to go.  And I mean ANYWHERE.

...sit up with a teensy bit of assistance holding her legs down.  Girl got abs like Janet Jackson. (...used to.)

....say "Dada", "Booboo", and "alligator".  (Once.  I swear.  Perhaps on accident.)

...make marks on paper with a crayon.  They kind of look like cerulean blue gnats.

...laugh so hard she makes herself hoarse.

...make me cross a room to pick her up and hug her for no particular reason at all.

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