Friday, May 31, 2013

Pretty Season!

As it is growing closer to summer pageant season, Mommy figures it's time to flex her bio form completion skills.  Let's take a peek over her spit-up stained shoulder and see what she's scribbling:

NAME:  Ava Leigh Clenney

NICKNAMES:  Mini Clenney, Pooter Scooter, Sweetish Meatball

HEIGHT: Knee-high to a pig's eye

WEIGHT: Heavier than a feather, lighter than a 'tater

EYE COLOR:  Bennett blue


PETS:  Honey Boo Boo Dog, MJ the cat (thusly named because it doesn't matter if he's black or white), and an ever-fluctuating number of Pygmy goats.  For now, we'll say eleven.

FAVORITE TOY:  Beary Brandt the Weather Teddy, her Click-Clacks, the Pentagonal Ball, noses.


FAVORITE SONG:  "Patty-Cake"; "The Little Green Frog"; "Hallelujah", the Tom Waites version

FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  snoozing, grinning, pooping, algebra.

FAVORITE PERSON:  Daddy.  And Bradley Cooper.  But mostly Daddy, 'cause it's like having the best of both worlds.

FAVORITE FOODS:  Enfamil Premium with a rice cereal chaser

WHAT SHE WOULD LIKE TO BE WHEN SHE GROWS UP:  A clothing designer.  Or a squirrel.

A wee queen-in-training gets her beauty sleep and a workout all at once.
Commitment, boss.

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