Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sugar Blues

What was Mommy's glucose fortune at her appointment with the obstatrician on Thursday?

"No sugar lumps in your tea this winter -- you've got gestational diabetes, sucker!"

Well, fiddlesticks.

As disconcerting as it was to hear my suspicions confirmed, I can't say that the news came as a surprise.  While I understand that I had a few factors playing against me since the onset -- a genetic predisposition to blood sugar issues, my age (which somehow seems like a wallop in the face because I'm only thirty!), and a personal history of hypoglycemia, I was still in complete denial.  I've been so spoiled to being fairly healthy all my life, and diabetes feels like a sign on my back. 

So I sniffled a little.  I shook my head.  I grumped at my poor mom, who was patient enough to sit through the whole thing.  I indulged in a uncalled-for guilt trip on myself in the car.  I drove around in manic circles through the #$&%*#& illogical construction on Interstate 630.  Then we had some lunch and I picked up a ginger peach candle to burn in our bedroom. 

Because what else can I do than take care of myself and go on?  My fabulous pregnancy nails are already bitten off.  Better nails than cookies, I suppose.  Meh.

I'm praying for wisdom.  That's all.

1 comment:

  1. Try not to worry. You'd be surprised how many women get this during pregnancy. Good news is that it will go away. And the doctors handle this so much that its second nature. So perk up butter cup :) Loves!
