Monday, January 21, 2013

A Better Day

"I am gonna go hold the crap outta that baby!"
Dr. Elliot Reed, Scrubs

To be completely honest, yesterday was an emotional rollercoaster.  Too many needle sticks.  Blown veins.  Lots of tears, both Ava's and mine.  Then Daddy roared as a good Daddy is apt to do when it's time to take action, and our collective frustration was alleviated as the staff scrambled to fit her with a PIC line, which won't blow like a regular IV.

After that, we needed some heart-lifting.  Some things that I witnessed were no doubt very common
sights in the NICU, but will make me reel at the memory for the rest of my life.  I thank God that because of Ava's age, she will remember none of that.

Today was the day we needed to have yesterday.  She began the day with some mild excitement - she pulled her Replogle line smooth outta her little upturned nose!  Fortunately, her timing was in sync with the surgeon's, and they decided against replacing it and opted instead to see if she would either spit up or keep her tummy contents intact, which would signal to us that she might tolerate a bottle feeding.

Well, she puked, which wasn't a shock to anyone but her.  So no milk tonight, Little Moon Pie.  We'll gladly keep holding you in a reclining-upright position in hopes that gravity is good medicine.  Dream happy boob dreams tonight, and perhaps you'll have your first bottle tomorrow, love.  It was heaven to hold you.

Keep on filling up those diapers! Daddy needs lots of practice. Heh.  It's like a Texas oil derrick down there.

Yipes!  Stripes!

Finally breathing unobstructed!  My pug-snorting days are behind me!
Instant makeover, NICU style....

1 comment:

  1. Ava is looking really good! I'm behind on the updates, so forgive me. I'll catch up today. Your title made me think of a Dolly song, of course.

    Maybe your baby will be into good music, too. ;)
