Saturday, January 19, 2013

Holding Patterns

We're so grateful that we have the chance to love on Ava and hold her for extended stretches of time, as of today.  I rocked her all morning, took a quick gobble of lunch, then resumed for four more hours as Her Soggy Highness entertained her adoring public.  I think she puts on her extra adorable sleeping expression on for guests.

We held....

And held...

                                                                         And held....

and held....

....until EVERYONE's butt was asleep. We might all three be wearing diapers after it's all over!

One of the people in this picture just peed. Can you guess which one?

1 comment:

  1. That right there is the BEST medicine in the world for both Ava and Mommy and Daddy. I'm so happy to see that you guys are being able to hold and love love love on her! Love all three of y'all.
