Friday, September 21, 2012

Mornings With Mini


Much to the bewilderment of my husband, I am one of those rare and frustrating creatures who wakes up with a smile on my face and bounds out of bed at 5:30 a.m..  I attribute this to being healthy, regimented, and, well, thirty.


If there are any tense moments in our marriage, they occur at the moment each day when I compress his ribs while leaning across him in bed and babbling, “Heyhoneygoodmorninhowdyasleep?

Myeyesjustflewopenatfivebecauseiwashavingthiscrazydreamaboutmonkeysmadeofpeanutbutterandiwaslikefreakinoutbutiwokeupandwaslikewhooooooa.  Want some coffee?”


He says, *nodnodnod* “Mmmmph.”


He means, “If you weren’t my pregnant wife, I’d mush your face in like Gumby’s.”


Sorry, honey… you’re stuck with a morning person.


In his defense, this wasn’t one of the characteristics of the girl that he married.  When we were newlyweds, we used to tear ourselves from the slobberpools of drool on our pillows and stare at each other dumbly like two frogs on a log while sharing a large cup of nearly-chewable coffee.  That was all we were truly capable of accomplishing.  It was only after we both escaped the draining world of retail sales that my personal melatonin levels evened out.  Morning became my mental and spiritual preparation period for the day.  He…. is spiritual the rest of the day.  He continues to grumble and eat coffee during the early morning hours, and I’m okay with that.  Otherwise he’d be perfect, and that would be difficult to live with. 


As Mini’s time grows nigh, I find a new peace in the rhythm of my mornings because she’s become a tangible part of them.  Now that the first-trimester furies of my digestive system have straightened themselves out, I sleep deeply and comfortably and wake to the funny tappings of my little inner captive ticking her time away in an odd fetal rhythm of kicks and flailings.  I imagine she’s utilizing her developmental period to study for a career as a telegraph operator.

This morning was a particularly active one for Princess Little Limbs.  In my initial state of wakefulness, I’m never quite sure whether it’s her morning announcement or last night’s Mexican food that’s demanding a flying valkyrie trip to the bathroom, but I either way, I wasn’t about to take a chance on it being the latter.  Once I’m awake, the dance goes like this:
Roll over à spit cat tail fur from my face à eject cat from bed àpat underside of pillow for cell phone àsquint to read cell phone screen and trip over curled-up dog à holler “YAaaaaargh!” as I mambo around the startled dog and shock Jason half-awake àwiggle out of fleece pajama pants and wonder how the fool I slept in them àfinally reach my destination where I, um, take care of business while reading a chapter of Gone With The Wind
(Graphic side note: after months two through four, I will never, ever EVER take morning regularity as anything but a blessing.  Holy cow.  Wow.  Endorsement for FiberOne brownies goes HERE.)
Following this one-woman parade across the carpet, my morning is usually fairly placid.  I’ve grown to enjoy my pre-dawn tramp across the dewy grass in my bathrobe and boots, making sure all our animals are fed and well, and that those who spend the day indoors are sufficiently squeezed out in an appropriate place outside.  I love the few minutes of solitude I manage to steal each morning while waiting for the pugs to make their morning rounds through the privet hedges; I listen for their distant footfalls crunching through the pine needles as I wander the goat pen, looking for new flowering vines and signs of the changing seasons.  Sometimes I’m greeted by blooming carpets of wild morning glories or explosive tangles of trumpet vine.  And after a run of rainy days, I’m often rewarded with caches of colorful wild mushrooms that the little kid in me (other than Mini) enjoys kicking across the yard. 
Silly little moments like this thrill the stuffing out of me.  I can’t wait to take a wobbly little girl in tiny boots on these morning adventures and introduce her to the outdoors.  I want her to know that it’s more than just a place she’s banished to when mom refuses to turn on the television.  I want to teach her to enjoy the ever-cycling life around us and understand that some mornings there are new flowers or or wild plums or the smell of sassafras trees getting their sap up…. and then some days there might be a dead bunny in the goat pen because Big Dolly was doing her job last night.  Mornings are for opening our eyes and taking in the world around us, appreciating along the way the gifts that God has renewed for us to enjoy for one more day.
Whether those gifts be flowers,
Or coffee,
Or good mornings from our loved ones (however begrudgingly accepted),
Or familiar animal friends,
Or…. Fiber.

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